hey guys as u al knw dat many softwares or movies gt removd aftr particular interval of days pobably many of u must have noticed them...somebody has got a bug for that ...that means u can download the deleted files in over there with almost no effort.
lets for example: take this link
paste in the url u will get that this file is deleted due to copyrights
here here is the trick,
now just add "new." to it like as given...without quotes
But use premium link generator for authorization like teraleech and greatleech.......
lets for example: take this link
its downloading now..u can see the deleted file..i dunno who discovered it but sharing here isnt a crime...
paste in the url u will get that this file is deleted due to copyrights
here here is the trick,
now just add "new." to it like as given...without quotes
But use premium link generator for authorization like teraleech and greatleech.......
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