Facebook Hack | Hack a Facebook account password

Apr 30, 2011

Recently, I posted Anonym Mailer software coded by Rajesh. Mohamad shared his expert trick to hack a Facebook account password using Anonym Mailer software. I am posting about the same hack in this article.
Note: The article is meant to make you aware of how your Facebook account can be hacked. Please do not try this. Hacking anyone’s account is illegal and can take you behind the bars.
How to hack a Facebook account password:
First, I would like to tell you about my Anonym Mailer software. This software is useful to send emails to your friends using anyone’s email address. That means, you can use any email address as sender email address.

Now, comes the real hack. Consider yourself getting an email from “support@facebook.com” like this:
Dear (Your Name here),
This is to inform you that we are going to deactivate your account in 15 days because you have not followed our terms and rules while using your Facebook account. We found that your Facebook account is not following our rule 5.A.1 which is listed in our Content Guidelines.

To reactivate your account, please change your password to 12345678. Please keep up your password as 12345678 for at least a week so that we can verify your ownership.
Thank you.

Right now, you will think that no one will fall for this. I know your reaction is true. But wait. We all know there are hundreds of internet frauds occurring daily due to spam jackpot emails. Now, we all know jackpot emails are fake. In spite of that, people fall to such emails. Also, we are witnessing tons of scams on Facebook, the recent one being “Find who viewed your profile”.
If people believe in such stupid scams, why won’t they believe in above email??? And what more, it is sent from “support@facebook.com”. This is the most convincing reason of this email. How many netizens know how to check a particular mail as “Fake”??? According to me, the proportion is not more than 20%. What about the rest 80%??? They are most probable of falling to such emails.
So, this email can really help anyone to hack a Facebook account password. Once the victim changes his Facebook password to “12345678″, the hacker can easily access his account and thus, hack Facebook account. I just want to make all 300mbsunny readers aware of such emails. Do not fall to such emails. Facebook will never ask you to change your password to something like 12345678.
Note: This trick can be used to hack any online account. I have demonstrated it for Facebook.
So guys, this was a short tutorial on how Anonym Mailer can be used to hack a Facebook account password. This hack depends on the hacker’s creativity as it requires Social Engineering skills. I would like to thank Mohamad(modi_safadieh@hotmail.com) for sharing his trick to hack a Facebook account password.
Update: Someone (below) has shared a nice trick with us in comments. He has added “Phone notification” feature so that the above email becomes much more convincing. Guys, its all about Social engineering. Great work Shafraz and thanks for sharing your valuable trick.


Friends, they have merged another trick with Rajesh anonym mailer. When one of his friend (whom the person that he needed to hack ) came online he sent him a message to his phone saying that A 3rd party is accessing the fb account and a new recovery password will be sent to his mail and asks him to change the new password.
For this i used a fake sms sending trick from http://www.smsglobal.com
They give a trial of 25 sms which can sent to any number in the world and the from as any number/any charecter. In this case he sent the message as Facebook.
So that the receiver will think that it has come from Fb.
This will ensures more to user that actually his fb account has hacked.

Note : When signup for smsglobal skip the textboxes Promo Code and Affliate Code




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